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Patients being encouraged to rate NHS services

The Department of Health is asking patients to use the NHS Choices website to rate the quality of care and service they receive on the NHS

The Department of Health (DH) is asking patients to use the NHS Choices website to rate the quality of care and service they receive on the NHS.

The website,, allows patients to review the NHS is the same way they would a restaurant, or online shop. Patients are asked to comment on five key areas:
• Dignity and respect
• Cleanliness
• Doctors and nurses working well together
• Patient involvement in decisions around their care
• Recommending the hospital to family and friends.

Commenting on the new service, Lord Darzi said: “This is a key part in ensuring we have a modern NHS which reflects the needs of patients, the public and staff.

“As announced in the Next Stage Review, in future, more NHS funding will also go to those hospitals and GPs where patients are most positive about their experience. This will act as a strong incentive for everyone to perform to the standards of the best.”

Each NHS Trust in England will be issued with a guide detailing how it can make best use of patient feedback.

One of the key areas, dignity and respect, is being championed by Dignity Ambassador Sir Michael Parkinson. Over the past six months, his encouragement has resulted in over 4,000 people across the country signing up as Dignity Champions.

Hoping to use his role to ensure dignity is at the heart of all NHS and care services, he said: “What really inspires me about the Dignity in Care campaign is that everyone can get involved – giving feedback on services is one of the main ways that everyone can help promote dignity in care and make a real difference to the way people are treated in hospital. That can mean reporting poor care if we see it, or showing appreciation if we have witnessed someone going that extra mile.”

Recently, NHS Direct was merged with the NHS Choices website, making the new NHS Choices website one of the most comprehensive health information resources available.

Article by Sian Banham
4th December 2008
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