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Pharma China Annual Forum 2017

We are delighted to be presenting a paper at the Pharma China Annual Forum on 14th April 2017 in Shanghai, China.

Representing Research Partnership will be Asia Pacific Director and emerging markets specialist Pei Li Teh, who will be presenting the paper ’Urban China’s Evolving Patient Journey’ from 14:30 – 15:00. 

The patient is an important stakeholder in the treatment of chronic conditions in urban China. Patients, as well as their family members, play an important role in determining their own treatment. They decide when to present, they choose the hospital, many pay out of their own pocket for treatments and they are perhaps the key determinant in the duration of therapy. Therefore it is essential  to understand how the patient journey is evolving and the extent to which this will impact the pharmaceutical industry in the next 5 years. 

This paper will outline the universal truths of the chronic disease patient journey in China, as well as the key inflection points that have the biggest impact on treatment outcomes. Finally, by exploring the distinct healthcare challenges that China looks set to face, Pei Li will discuss the potential for pharma to address these challenges using a series of detailed case studies. 

Throughout the event Pei Li will be on hand to answer any questions you might have regarding our expertise and experience in emerging markets. If you are planning to attend the Pharma China Annual Forum and would like to meet with Pei Li, or are unable to attend but would be interested in receiving a copy of the paper please feel free to contact us.

Research Partnership is committed to staying at the cutting edge of healthcare research in emerging markets. As well as attending relevant conferences and exhibitions we are also regular speakers at relevant forums.

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