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Apex launches Lumentium UK demo experience to pharma market

Something genuinely different has come to the UK events market.

Specialist pharmaceutical event and exhibition agency Apex is now accepting pre-bookings for its Lumentium UK showroom. Launching in September, the Lumentium show is a stunning visual experience that combines world travel, fine food and state of the art CGI table mapping.

Demonstrations will showcase how this technology can be used to create multi-sensory events that allow guests to visit famous cities and tropical islands, with tables that become a window into an immersive world. Guests can also experience spacewalks, sharks swimming, exotic butterflies, roulette wheels and dynamic roller coasters, all without leaving their seat.

Alongside the Lumentium visual experience, guests will sample cuisine from the places they visit, with each destination guided by a travel host from the main stage.

Lumentium was created by a team in Madrid. The team has secured worldwide patents on its TableMapping technology. Apex has worked closely with the developers and has recently signed an exclusive agreement to deliver Lumentium across the UK and northern Europe.

A specialist supplier to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, having worked in the event industry for over 30 years, the Apex event team will use all its skills to bring everything together flawlessly.

Commenting on what people can expect when they visit the Lumentium UK showroom, Apex Event Director Paul Ashford said: “Using patented TableMapping technology, the Lumentium show provides everything you need in a world-class event – entertainment, top-class dining, atmosphere and visual delights that will be talked about long after the event ends.

“If clients are looking for the elusive wow factor and something genuinely different to deliver to an important audience, Lumentium is the ultimate feast for the senses.”

All demos will take place in a new custom-built UK facility. To find out more about Lumentium, and experience this extraordinary technology first-hand, book a live demonstration at

Demos are strictly by appointment only.

This content was provided by Events and Exhibition Stands

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