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Hidden Heroes – Account Manager’s half-marathon for Alzheimer’s Society

July 10, 2023 |  

As a business, we place tremendous value in community and giving back. That’s why we’re so proud to share the charitable achievements of our team.

As a business, we place tremendous value in community and giving back. That’s why we’re so proud to share the charitable achievements of our team.

We’re celebrating the Hidden Heroes in our team who go out of their way to raise money for charity and give back to the local community. Today we’re sharing the story of our Account Manager Eryn, who recently completed a half marathon to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society.

Like many people, Eryn started her running journey during lockdown by participating in Couch to 5k. The more into running she got, the more she began to think about taking on the challenge of a half marathon to test herself and prove that she could do it. “I knew if I did a half marathon for charity, I’d be more focused and motivated to see it through, knowing people had donated to a charity that means a lot to me,” Eryn explained.

Eryn chose to run on behalf of Alzheimer’s Society in memory of her grandad, who passed away in 2007. “Everyone who met grandad always had such lovely things to say about him and he meant so much to me and my family. My mum, my sister and I had completed a 10-mile ‘Alzheimer’s memory walk’ for him previously through Alzheimer’s society, and so I decided to continue to support this charity,” Eryn explained.

In preparation for her run, Eryn said Alzheimer’s Society was hugely supportive. The charity helped her set up a donations page and even provided her with a medal alongside the medal she got for completing the marathon in the first place.

After a 12-week training plan consisting of 3 runs a week (excluding a few holidays), Eryn was ready to take on the challenge. She participated in the Chester half marathon in May 2023 and completed the 13-mile route in 3 hours.

“It was a great atmosphere,” said Eryn. “Everyone was so positive. There were people on every corner cheering you on and I had a friend with me, so we were able to keep each other motivated and keep pushing on.”

The sun even came out towards the end of the run, and locals were keen to lend a hand to the runners struggling in the heat. “People were outside their houses with hosepipes helping the runners cool down.”

Not only did Eryn achieve her goal of completing the half-marathon route, but she also surpassed her fundraising goal. “People have been so kind,” Eryn explained. “When I started, I set myself a goal of raising £300, but last time I checked, I was up to over £800. People have continued to donate even after the event, which is amazing.”

As a Social Enterprise business, Attigo (Part of the Mednet Group) is always looking for ways to give back to the local community, and it’s great that our team shares in those values and takes the time to give back in various ways.

With our ongoing work around Alzheimer’s and Dementia, we’re incredibly proud of Eryn for completing her run and raising a fantastic amount of money for a great cause. Congratulations, Eryn!

This content was provided by Mednet Group

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