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The key to designing great digital services in healthcare

Fred Bassett, co-founder and Head of Strategy at Blue Latitude, talks about the key to designing great digital services in healthcare.

Fred Bassett, co-founder and Head of Strategy at Blue Latitude, talks about the key to designing great digital services in healthcare.

Designing services in health care can seem like a fairly straightforward thing. Right?. You have to develop something that has clinical effectiveness. Develop a service that delivers cost effectiveness for the people who are paying for it, whether those be payers or the patients themselves. You need to make sure that that service has some level, some sensible level of user engagement, such that people engage with the service and their behaviour is changed. And if you can do all of those things then maybe, just maybe, you’ll shift the patient outcomes.  

There was a study done by a cross-functional group of clinicians and user experience experts into CPR apps. Okay. So, these are apps that sit on your phone and you’re meant, as a customer, to pull up those apps in a moment of crisis, when about to perform CPR. It’s meant to give you some guidance in how to deliver CPR; which is a pretty scary thing, I’ve got to say.  

This group tested 61 apps. Of those, only 13 met the most basic clinical requirements.. And of the 13 that passed that first clinical test, were then put into user experience testing, to make sure that users could actually navigate the app and use it to deliver or receive the information that they felt was important in delivering CPR and on that second check, only five apps made it through, okay?

So, you look at this list. It’s got to deliver a clinical benefit. It’s got to deliver user engagement or allow users to engage in way that makes sense. Seems pretty simple, and yet on a relatively simple example you’ve got a 1 in 12 chance of picking an app that is actually going to help you save the person’s life who is in front of you. 



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This content was provided by Blue Latitude Health