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Disconnected pharma: Navigating digital challenges and priorities in 2024

We are delighted to present Graphite’s research whitepaper for 2024 — and this year we are able to share the challenges and priorities that digital leaders are finding, in this most interesting of seasons.


In our new whitepaper, we share the current challenges and priorities that digital pharma leaders are finding in 2024.

Connectivity underpins innovation and efficiency, enabling improved outcomes for patients and HCPs.

Our latest research reveals the need for increased connection across the pharma sector — linking data with actionable insights, joining up internal teams, improving interactions between end users and providers, connecting digital systems and platforms, and aligning long-term goals with short-term priorities.

Drawing on the survey data, along with opinions from expert contributors and Graphite’s own sector experience, we explore how pharma teams can overcome challenges to achieve success with their digital solutions and strategies.

Based on first-hand insight from pharma leaders working within Commercial, Medical, Marketing and Digital roles across the USA and Europe.

This content was provided by Graphite Digital

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