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National Educational Webcast on Virtual Care: a Customer Story

Learn how our client used Impetus Digital’s virtual tools and services to develop and execute a national educational webinar on telehealth.

In this customer story, we summarize how a client leveraged Impetus Digital’s cutting-edge virtual tools and comprehensive digital and strategic services to seamlessly plan, execute, and disseminate an educational webcast on telehealth and virtual care.

Our client’s main objectives were to:

  1. Provide a value-add to their customers during this time of unrest and uncertainty
  2. Strategically develop the agenda and flow of the educational webcast by:
    • Determining the gaps and barriers related to telehealth and virtual care for different types of patients and types of appointments
    • Determining the most suitable format, content, speakers, and agenda for an educational webcast on virtual care in general practice
    • Collecting case studies and clinical pearls from the advisors for inclusion in the webcast
  3. Execute the live webcast, with minimal technical issues
  4. Disseminate the webcast as an on-demand version to reach more people

To learn more about the client’s approach and the outcomes of this project, access the full customer story here.

This content was provided by Impetus Digital

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