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‘Tis the season to be judgmental…

December 4, 2017 | advertising, assessing ideas, creativity 

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Yes, it’s that time of year again when adverts from well-known department stores make the news. Countless news articles are given over to which of this year’s creative offerings made the best Christmas ad.

An important question, when being bombarded by a plethora of creative concoctions, is: how does one judge creative work?  

Well, here’s a take from the other side; the creative side.  

Warning: this article may cause sweating and excess thinking. It may also contain bias. But, here’s our take on judging creative work    
1.     See it from the customer’s point of view. Go on. Put those shoes on. I know, I know – it’s a total cliché but do step into the shoes of your customer. As a doctor, nurse prescriber or specialist, with an ever-increasing workload, would the creative speak to them? Would it cut through the noise? Is the message simple and pertinent?  
2.    Does it answer the brief? Is the work focused tightly on the brief and the commercial objective, or is it a “big idea” that is all splash but doesn’t have legs?  
3.    Is it grounded in insight and customer understanding? To make an idea a truly great idea it needs to be grounded in customer insight – an understanding or truth that speaks to the heart of the issue that the drug or product helps to resolve.  
4.    Does the work give you goose bumps? When the work was shown to you, did it make your gut do summersaults? Was it like nothing you’ve seen before? Did you think THIS IS IT? This is the one you could run with right now!  

Exceptional creative embodies empathy, insight and that sprinkling of creative magic. Judge fairly, judge from a commercial angle but make sure you also judge with good old gut feel. 

© 2017 Life Healthcare Communications

This content was provided by Life Healthcare Communications

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