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November 16, 2022 | Origins, Resonant Group, patient focus 

Deeper focus on patient engagement across the pharma/biotech product lifecycle

[1 November 2022] Origins Insights, a Resonant Group company, today announced the evolution of its unique service offering to become an exclusively patient focused agency.

“Historically, the significant potential contribution of patients to the pre-clinical and clinical investigation of new therapies has been under-recognised,” said Mark Corbett, Chief Innovation Officer, Resonant Group, who will lead the new offering. “Our evolved suite of services builds on our ability to access deep patient insights at all stages of the drug lifecycle, from clinical development, through market access into commercialisation.”

Origins believes strategies which engage and incorporate patient views, opinions, and experiences throughout the product life-cycle are paramount if companies are to enhance the value of their products and meet the requirements of regulators. Patient experience data which complements clinical data is a key element of patient focused drug development, filing submissions, pricing negotiations and healthcare technology assessments worldwide.

Origins evolved service offering is built around a four-step process moving through strategy development, insight generation, patient experience data collation and solutions designed to optimise the patient voice in the development of new and existing medical interventions.

“By blending strategy, patient insights and a holistic understanding of the regulatory challenges surrounding patient and patient group engagement, we are able to develop innovative solutions to support our clients in the development of their products which offer genuine benefits to patients,” said Mark Corbett. “Patient focus should not be one of a number of multiple competing priorities for the pharma and biotech industry, it should be the priority for measuring success.”

“Over the last decade, the importance of both understanding and acting on lived patient experiences has dramatically increased,” said David Youds, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Resonant Group. “Origins has the deep skillset, experience and vision to help the industry define its own strategy in this area and get it right first time.”


For further information go to: or contact

Mark Corbett, Resonant Group

+44 (0) 1252 221029

Resonant Group is a privately owned group of agencies with a common belief that lives can be transformed through better health communication. With this front of mind, its mission is to enable effective engagement in health through the creation of forward-thinking companies that are driven to create impact for clients and their audiences.

Anthem Public Relations: with a rare strength in media and influencer relations, Anthem offers a fresh approach to health PR. We understand the importance of uniting corporate perspectives with disease awareness, brand, and molecule-specific understanding. Our programmes embed real-world insights alongside focused creativity to deliver effective, engaging campaigns with measurable impacts.

Bedrock Healthcare Communications takes a forward-thinking, audience-centred, creative approach to medical communications. We believe lives can be improved through engaging communication and this underpins everything we do. Using an inspirational blend of understanding, science and creativity, we deliver compelling communications solutions that achieve more for our clients, HCPs and patients. We partner with pharmaceutical and biotech clients across the globe to educate and inspire clinicians by providing strategic support and tactical delivery of educational materials from phase II to LOE and beyond.

Origins brings years of experience in delivering award-winning, patient-focused insight, working closely with clients including pharma, biopharma and biotech organisations on how to involve, understand and engage with patients across the entire product lifecycle. Further information on how Origins can help inform your patient strategy and add value to your solutions can be found at:

This content was provided by Origins – The Patient Focused Specialists

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