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FDA fast-tracks Bayer’s prostate cancer radiotherapy

Priority review for radium-223 dichloride, formerly called Alpharadin


SMC approves Eliquis, restricts use of Rienso

Pfizer-BMS' anticoagulant backed but Takeda's drug given second-line recommendation

e-Therapeutics raises £40m to support oncology pipeline

Will fund development of ETS2101 for brain cancer and other potential indications


Bayer submits oral PAH drug riociguat for approval

Set to challenge Actelion and Gilead

Just Health PR wins Caris Life Sciences brief

Bioscience company to launches its tumour profiling technology in Europe

IBM Watson makes its clinical decision support debut

Supercomputer-powered tool could be a breakthrough in evidence-based medicine


FDA proffers guidance for new Alzheimer’s drugs

Encourages approach that tackles disease in its early stages

Sanofi’s Steve Oldfield to co-chair UK medicines access group

Takes over from UCB’s Matthew Speers in joint government/industry group


Sanofi receives EU approvals for diabetes and cancer drugs

Zaltrap and Lyxumia granted marketing authorisation by European Commission


Access Partnership expands its senior team

Kevin Mayo joins as VP in the US and Pascal King as global director in London


FDA says approval of generic Doxil will ease cancer drug shortage

Allows Sun Pharma to manufacture its own version of the medicine

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