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FDA will maintain the pace, vows Woodcock, but warns of skills gap

Top official unconcerned by dip in approval rate

Battling breast cancer with precision medicine (Part 2)

Dr Mark Moasser treated breast cancer survivor Laura Holmes-Haddad (interviewed in part one) with an innovative precision medicine, which at the time was yet to be approved. Here he gives...

Blue Latitude Health


Bad news for BMS as Keytruda kidney cancer combo approved

Opdivo and Yervoy combination will be squeezed


Gottlieb signs off with flair – and pledge of further drug price commentary

Highlights issues of insulin prices and competition


Undeterred by aducanumab failure, Eisai and Biogen plough on

Investors sceptical, though mechanism different


Biogen and Eisai pull plug on Alzheimer’s drug

Further undermines amyloid-targeting approach


Novo uses voucher for speedy answer on oral semaglutide

Oral version of Ozempic could be diabetes market leader


Gottlieb admonishes industry for clinical trial failings

Calls for faster uptake of novel trial design and methods

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