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NICE guidance on managing depression

NICE has published guidance on the depression in adults with chronic physical health problems such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes

Swine flu vaccination launched

The UK-wide programme combating the spread of swine flu has been launched, targeting 14 million priority patients and frontline health workers

NHS performance figures published

The Care Quality Commission, England's healthcare regulator, has published performance data for all 392 Trusts in England

Recommendations to help women doctors

Report outlines key changes needed to improve the future careers of female doctors

UK patients rate GP practices

An online comparison service has been launched today by health minister, Mike O'Brien

Conservatives urged to rethink IT reform

Eight out of 10 UK doctors and NHS IT experts are opposed to scrapping the National Programme for IT in the NHS

Stelara gets NICE approval

Janssen-Cilag gets NICE approval for biologic psoriasis treatment

NICE guidance on use of sunitinib for GISTs

NICE has published guidance on the use of sunitinib for gastro intestinal stromal tumours (GISTs)

Government plans to abolish GP boundaries

Geographical boundaries that control access to GP surgeries are likely to be abolished within a year

NHS spends £300m on consulting

A report from the MCA reveals that health service spending on management consultancy hit £300m in 2008

NICE-appraised drugs report published

Use of NICE-appraised Medicines in the NHS in England - Experimental Statistics, published for the first time by the NHSIC

Government shuns NHS cost-cutting plan

The government has rejected cost-containment proposals for the health service including job losses and a recruitment freeze

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