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Compassionate use programme

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Europe votes for greater clinical trial transparency

European Parliament passes new EU Clinical Trials Regulation


Interview: Georg Toufar, Mundipharma

Mundipharma’s chief marketing officer Georg Toufar on the benefits of having a smaller, more concentrated focus


EMA’s Dr Stella Blackburn joins Quintiles

Takes up global head of risk management post

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE consults on value-based assessment changes

Aims to create a more flexible approach to drug funding decisions for NHS in England and Wales


Final NICE backing for MabThera in rare condition

Roche drug available in England and Wales to treat rare form of vasculitis


GSK withdraws melanoma combo in EU

EMA says it needs more data to review Mekinist and Tafinlar

Lilly launches online training to boost patient voice in HTA

New tool aims to help patient advocates 'better influence decisions'


EMA backs Janssen rare disease drug for approval

Castleman's disease treatment Sylvant wins CHMP recommendation


Boehringer/Lilly’s empagliflozin among CHMP recommendations

If approved it will be marketed as Jardiance

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Bergstrom: Europe must collaborate on medicines value

EFPIA chief says national HTA bodies need to have shared process to assess value of new treatments


EMA looks at flexible drug licensing

Regulator looks to pilot programme to stagger approvals of new medicines


Ireland and the impact of reference pricing

Industry remains tight-lipped on the country's pharmaceutical pricing changes

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