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Mobile health roundup

Includes GSK's asthma app, analysis of the mHealth application market and European approval for a range of remote monitoring mobile apps

UK reaffirms NHS access to NICE-approved drugs

Health Secretary makes pledge on same day Future Forum recommendations on NHS reform accepted

AZ taps electronic patient records for real-world evidence collaboration

Hopes to highlight unmet needs in chronic diseases through European deal with IMS Health


Are pharma apps medical devices?

As the first MHRA-registered mobile health app hits Apple's App Store, pharmaceutical companies should be asking questions of their own smartphone apps


FDA boosts its social media use with the launch of a new blog

FDA Voice intended to help the US regulator communicate with a wide range of stakeholders


The Future Starts Here: Agency New Year Resolutions

A new year always gives a feeling of hope: on both a personal and business level. What should agencies be resolving for 2012? I reckon these three New Year resolutions...

Miracles and mistakes in strategic planning

What happens when we allow conscious thought and experience to cloud our thinking?


Quintiles consolidates patient communities into new Digital Patient unit

Combines and and appeals to ex-Google Health users

FDA issues draft social media guidance for off-label information

Two years after its public hearing the US regulator issues its first social media guidance


Strategic planning – it’s not rocket science…

… but maximising opportunities does demand new concepts and ideas

European eHealth network to be set up

EC aims to improve the safety and efficiency of patient care across Europe


Award-winning digital projects

Campaigns by Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Janssen rewarded at the recent Pharmaceutical Marketing Excellence Awards

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