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Second time round – successful brand revitalisation

With the list of patent-expired products lengthening, marketers need to evolve strategies that produce healthy returns for mature products. We asked the sponsors of the 2008 Pharmaceutical Marketing Effectiveness Award...

Launching a brand across Europe

Creating a strategy to roll out a pan-European or global campaign means engaging both local marketing affiliates and other stakeholders, as well as your customer base. What are the critical...

Analysing performance

A campaign that grabs the attention may not actually be what you need. Return on investment is as much about taking the long-term view and building brand loyalty. So, are...

Talkin’ ’bout an evolution

With the environment changing, there’s a need for creative agencies to take a long, hard look at how they will confront the challenges ahead? Like it or not, we’ve entered...

Daring to be different

If pharma needs to be more rigorous about defining its market insights, recognising opportunities and executing its ‘big idea’, what else gives our best-known consumer brands the leading edge? The...


Creating a digital campaign

Are your stakeholders still stuck on rhetoric – playing the waiting game before committing fully to an online presence? Skilfully interacting with a target audience simply means a change of...


Digital: tactics first, strategy later?

Pharma's spend on digital continues to grow at 20 per cent per year, according to an annual survey of the digital landscape, yet still only accounts for 7 per cent...


Get under their skin

Illuminate the branding process through truly insightful research that provides a deeper understanding of physicians as real people


ABPI: UK lags behind Europe for innovation

The UK's NHS lags behind the rest of Europe in terms of access to new treatments said Stephen Whitehead in his first public talk as the organisation's chief executive

Takeda wins UK approval for cancer drug

Takeda's bone cancer treatment Mepact has won the backing of the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

NICE rejects three bowel cancer drugs

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has decided to not recommend three metastatic colorectal cancer drugs as they are not deemed cost effective


Interview: Greg Perry, European Generic medicines Association

The director general of the European Generic medicines Association talks to Liz Wells about the challenges facing generic drug manufacturers and discusses how his organisation is working to boost the...

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