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Novartis expands eyecare partnership with NHS

And wins new licence for Lucentis

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

Remicade, Humira and Simponi face NICE knock-back

Draft guidance does not recommend the drugs for ulcerative colitis

- PMLiVE expands online educational resources

Online physicians network adds to existing material to aid medical training


NHS launches MyNHS transparency site

Allows public to view performance data and shape services


Brain tumour vaccine is UK’s first ‘Promising Innovative Medicine’

Northwest Biotherapeutics’ DCVax-L gets UK version of ‘breakthrough’ status for use in cancer


NHS ‘not driving’ health innovation

Minister for Life Sciences acknowledges UK has more to do


UK pharmacists to have greater role in public health

Community pharmacies should be part of ‘primary care family’, says Kevin Fenton


NICE knocks back Celgene’s Abraxane in pancreatic cancer

Says cancer drug's cost not justified by its limited benefit


Pharma and med tech companies form eye health group

The Industry Vision Group wants the NHS to make eye care a priority


England’s Cancer Drugs Fund: Naughty or NICE?

The decision to extend the CDF raises questions on the future of cancer drug access on the NHS


Major depression in UK cancer patients going untreated

Only 17% of patients reacted to usual NHS therapy according to new research


NICE wants more data on Boehringer’s Jardiance

Pharma company needs to demonstrate cost-effectiveness of its diabetes drug

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