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Positive disruption: getting to the bottom of big data

BLH speaks to Nicole Huyghe, founder and Managing Director of data science consultancy Boobook, about the growing need from businesses for data-driven decision making.

Blue Latitude Health


D-day: time to make digital deliver

Chris Ross looks at why a platform-based, outcomes-focused approach could be key to demonstrating the value of digital health solutions

Navigating the antibiotic resistance crisis

Blue Latitude Health speaks to Tara DeBoer, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher and CEO of BioAmp Diagnostics to explore the antimicrobial resistance crisis, and learn how a simple tool could support physicians...

Blue Latitude Health


Beneluxa: the future of European market access?

Andrew McConaghie talks to Beneluxa’s Marcel van Raaij and Biogen’s Erik Smet about their groundbreaking deal on Spinraza and what it means for European market access

Report: Achieving launch excellence in the challenging healthcare markets of today

Our in-depth report is based on original data and expert interviews, which coupled with our own experience, ensures we give you the best recommendations for achieving launch success in challenging...

Blue Latitude Health


eConsent: Busting regulatory myths

‘eConsent improves the way consent is obtained, helps keep participants better informed and easily tracks study progress results’

What is blockchain and why should i care – Richard Springham

Four Health - Emerging Technologies The power of blockchain lies in the fact it can prove that a unique event occurred at a certain time with out the need to...

Four Health


Digital applications are transforming the market access landscape

Optimising product value through digital technology

The AI revolution – Ben Greenberg

Four Health - Emerging Technologies Artificial intelligence - Programmes with the ability to learn and reason like humans. Machine Learning - Algorithms with the ability to learn without being explicitly...

Four Health

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

Artificial intelligence is already out-diagnosing experts, but would you put a computer in charge of your healthcare? The good, the bad; we take a look.


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