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Beyond the annual plan

Seven steps to creating a successful strategic  plan in a hyper-competitive market

Brexit implications for UK pharma legislation

What are the potential options and outcomes of the negotiations?


Macron, Merkel and May: implications of the 2017 elections for the life science industry

Political instability and policy continuity in Europe’s biggest economies mean a worsening commercial environment stacked with uncertainty

AI’s potential in the pharma life cycle

At a time that the future of life sciences is being hotly debated, the opportunity for the industry to refine and expand its role is an important one to take...


And breathe…

…or, why there is no ‘fast track’  to communications excellence



The key to delivering communications excellence


Signal strength

Communications that connect

Why AI might be the rep’s best friend

When looking for the next big thing in digital communication, there’s nothing bigger than the sweeping changes promised by artificial intelligence. There’s little doubt that AI is coming to pharma...

Anthill Agency


Real-world evidence

Have we come full-circle?

Novartis looks outside pharma for digital transformation

Appoints former Sainsbury's Argos executive Bertrand Bodson

FDA poised to start digital health pilot

Forms a key part of the agency's new digital innovation action plan


Are we #winning?

Is healthcare fully embracing the Digital Opinion Leader (DOL)?

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