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Building a creative marketing consultancy: how we’ve transitioned into a full service global team

In this Q&A, James Atherton, Vice President and Managing Consultant at our New York office, reveals how our NYC and London offices work together and why having a creative services...

Blue Latitude Health


Up close and personal

How the need for engagement and differentiation is helping pharma break down social barriers


Proving real-world value

A focus on the industry

Empathology: The science of being someone else

If you can see the world from your customer's perspective, you have discovered the secret of empathy

Life Healthcare Communications


Boehringer Ingelheim launches new digital innovation team

BI X will aim to accelerate research and development


To brand or not to brand…

Questions to ask if you want to deliver an experience like no other

Are rare disease companies naturally more patient-centric?

Intuitively it would make sense for these firms to be more connected with their patients


The sound of silence puts the squeeze on generics and biosimilars

Medicines for Europe vows to get  governments talking to realise potential

How to choose your digital channels

Like any other areas of marketing, pharma digital communication is subject to fashion. A new technology arrives, people naturally get excited. Meanwhile, established communication technologies receive less focus (even if...

Anthill Agency


Does your content have enough content?

Finding the balance in health and science communications


Communicating beyond the data

Relying on alternative methods to deliver results

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