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Tackling biosimilars – how to handle the threat to Pharma brands

Strategy Consultant Mark Assenti outlines three key points for developing a strategy to tackle the threat to Pharma brands from biosimilars.

Blue Latitude Health


Study clears Pfizer’s Champix of serious risks

Smoking-cessation drug 'does not increase risk' of depression or heart attacks


India denies patent on Pfizer’s Xeljanz

Drug deemed not an invention because it is not more effective than original compound

Biosimilars – the same, but different?

As more products reach European markets, US regulations are catching up with science


FDA follows WHO lead on biosimilar naming

Proposes adding suffixes to distinguish biosimilar drug names


Pfizer starts Ibrance trials in early breast cancer

Hopes to encourage wider use of breakthrough drug


Pfizer posts positive Trumenba vaccine data

Results from two new trials support FDA decision for accelerated approval


Pfizer and Flynn accused of overcharging for epilepsy drug

UK watchdog investigating the firms over the millions of pounds spent on Epanutin


Pfizer links with Synthon on generic Copaxone

US giant looking to grab a share of the copycat market for the MS drug

Novartis building

US ruling clears Novartis’ Zarxio but could delay other biosimilars

Federalcourt's complex ruling could have a wide-ranging impact


The evolving biosimilars market

Safety and efficacy doubts remain a challenge


J&J starts to feel biosimilar competition bite

Secondquarter Remicade sales outside the US dropped 26%

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