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external control arms

The kind of data that affiliates want

The right kind of data builds affiliate support for international digital marketing.

Anthill Agency

The big dilemma in international digital pharma marketing

How to get consistent international marketing while meeting local affiliates’ needs.

Anthill Agency


Exploring serious market access roadblocks for rare bleeding disorders

Ensuring that sufferers get the treatment they require


Focus on the fundamentals

Effectively working in an increasingly regulated environment


Effective strategic planning

The advantages of being nimble when responding to challenges


Prix Galien opens for entries with new award

2018 programme will include new medical technology category


European CTR implementation advances ethical assessment of clinical trials

Assessment process is being integrated into national laws


UK pharma launches legal challenge to NICE plans

Applies for judicial review of budget impact test


Europe vs the US: New drug product approvals

As US approvals rates in the US drop,  the EU is not currently showing a similar trend


Digital disruption in market access

Infinite possibilities


Real-world evidence: It’s all in the approach

The merit of real-world evidence in the promotion and use of medicines is increasing and so too are the number of methodologies available


Focus on value: A prescription for pharma

The pricing debate demands a common language to be developed

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