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UK’s Cancer Drugs Fund given new lease of life

Government invests £400m and pledges Fund will remain until 2016

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE to update ovarian cancer drug guidelines

Draft guidance backs paclitaxel and Janssen’s Caelyx but not gemcitabine, topetecan or trabectedin


Pfizer’s Xalkori ‘not good value for money’, says NICE

Final guidance does not recommend lung cancer drug


NICE demands more data for Sanofi’s oral MS drug

UK body won't recommend Aubagio for NHS use based on current information

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE questions cost of medicines development

Says pharma should determine if R&D spending of £1bn+ per drug is really necessary


The evolution of IQWiG in Germany’s drug pricing policy

Over the past ten years Germany has created a well-oiled machine designed to ensure that it gets the best deal when it comes to drug prices

Novartis building

NICE backs Novartis’ Jetrea in rare eye condition

Recommends drug be available for NHS use to treat vitreomacular traction

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE turns down Afinitor for breast cancer

NHS patients in England and Wales will not have routine access to Novartis’ drug


UK market access: The importance of a local value story

Meeting the needs of the health service’s new stakeholders

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE forced to look again at Alimta

Procedural error forces watchdog to reconsider rejection of Lilly's lung cancer


Outcomes shape the new European payer networks

In the new commercial reality of cost-constrained healthcare environments the payer is everywhere


Pfizer faces NICE rejection for lung cancer drug

Xalkori not cost-effective use of NHS resources in England and Wales

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