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New data puts Jakafi on course for blockbuster status

Novartis/Incyte drug meets targets in blood cancer trial


Generic for Lilly’s Evista in US ‘within a month’

Teva to launch copy of osteoporosis drug


NICE relents and backs Pfizer’s Inlyta

Recommends drug to treat advanced kidney cancer on NHS in England

Interview: Christopher Boulton, AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca’s director of UK marketing and medicines access on the company's increased focused on diabetes

Roche - Basel

Roche drug fails in lung cancer trial

Damages prospects for onartuzumab


FDA expands efforts to test quality of generics

Monitoring programme to ensure drug copies are equivalent to branded medicines


Teva’s Symbicort generic backed for EU approval

AstraZeneca braces for competition to COPD drug


Developing therapeutic cancer vaccines

Dendreon’s success has paved the way for new candidates


Genesis Burson-Marsteller partners with Medulla in India

Companies will work together in growing Indian healthcare market

Novartis building

Novartis skin cancer drug clears pivotal trial

Sonidegib achieves significant response in basal cell carcinoma patients


US and Indian regulators forge closer ties

FDA signs new agreement with India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


Servier signs cancer collaboration with Cellectis

Will target leukaemia and five solid tumours

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