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healthcare data technology

Quarter of UK patients now diagnosing online

Survey finds people would rather self-diagnose symptoms than wait for GP appointment


AstraZeneca forms ‘smart inhaler’ digital health partnership

Follows separate deal for a health coaching app for heart attack patients


Doctor’s social network Sermo expands into Canada

Builds on the medical crowdsourcing phenomenon in health


Just manufacturing pills ‘no longer good enough for patients’

Pharma must truly move beyond the pill and embrace digital health, according to industry heads


Pharma growing its use of social media – report

New data also highlights who leads the way in integrated social media marketing


Creston acquires How Splendid

Agency looks to bolster its digital offering with new buy


Nurturing innovation in a tough environment

Much has been achieved in the UK in recent years, but the NHS still has a way to go

Evolution of the wearable tech revolution

Stuart Goodman delves into the world of wearables, further analysing what role they play in pharma’s future.

Blue Latitude Health


Digital health charge led by millennials in the US

But older patients more likely to use pharma sites if directed by a doctor


Healthcare boundaries ‘being erased,’ says PwC

Reports claims technology is eradicating person-to-person interaction


Russian innovation at the crossroads

Despite improvements, investors face rising risks


Bayer HealthCare launches online cardiovascular tool

ProHeart Path tool calculates CV risk

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