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Another NICE no for AZ’s new ovarian cancer drug

Cost watchdog wants more information for Lynparza


Access to new hep C treatments put under the spotlight

NICE plans to restrict use of BMS’ Daklinza follow funding delay for Gilead's Sovaldi

healthcare data technology

Quarter of UK patients now diagnosing online

Survey finds people would rather self-diagnose symptoms than wait for GP appointment


AstraZeneca forms ‘smart inhaler’ digital health partnership

Follows separate deal for a health coaching app for heart attack patients


NHS England proposes handing CDF remit to NICE

Comes after a difficult two years for the silo budget


NICE backs Bayer’s Eylea in diabetic eye condition

TheInstitute also recommends Allergan's Ozurdex in final guidance


Pharma must ‘create new social contract’

New task force established in UK to assess public’s view of the value and risk of medicines


Doctor’s social network Sermo expands into Canada

Builds on the medical crowdsourcing phenomenon in health

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE no for new eye disease drug

Institute says ‘gaps and uncertainties’ in the treatment’s evidence directed its decision

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE opens consultation on Gilead’s leukaemia drug

Comes after the Institute rejects the treatment in new draft guidance


Astellas’ Xtandi cancer drug rejected by NICE

England’s HTA questions the treatment’s efficacy and cost


Just manufacturing pills ‘no longer good enough for patients’

Pharma must truly move beyond the pill and embrace digital health, according to industry heads

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