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NICE recommends RA drug

The UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued final guidance recommending Centocor Ortho Biotech's rheumatoid arthritis drug Simponi in specific, limited circumstances

NICE to retain powers

As part of changes announced to the UK government's Health and Social Care Bill, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence is to retain its responsibility to recommend drugs...

David Cameron overhauls NHS reforms

UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced significant changes to the NHS Health and Social Care Bill following criticism received as the result of an independent review

UK launches stem cell centre

King's College London is to set up a centre for stem cell and regenerative medicine

Drive for more UK clinical trials

The NHS Confederation has called for a halt in the decline of UK-based clinical trials, describing efforts to increase the number as 'hampered' by the EU

NICE recommends Allergan eye implant

Allergan’s Ozurdex eye implant to treat macular oedema has been approved for use by the UK’s NHS in draft guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

Servier defends Perindopil overcharging claim

Servier refutes claims made by the UK's Department of Health the company is overcharging for high blood pressure and heart disease drug Perindopil

NHS launches online ‘LifeCheck’ tool

The UK's Department of Health has announced the launch of NHS 'LifeCheck' – an online tool to determine an individual's personalised health priorities

Paul Rice and Simon Walker join M3 (EU) as the company announces strong double-digit growth…

M3, the global healthcare technology company with brands including, medeConnect, M3 Global Research, Rotamaster and The Vidal Group has announced two significant appointments in Paul Rice who joins as...

M3 (EU)

BMA calls for withdrawal of Health Bill

The British Medical Association has demanded the government's Health and Social Care Bill be withdrawn as Nick Clegg announces slow-down of NHS reform


ABPI focuses on collaboration

The pharma industry must work closer with service providers to make the NHS sustainable, the ABPI annual conference heard yesterday in London

UK NHS must change says health chief

The PM Society's annual lecture hears that the UK's National Health Service is not sustainable in its current state

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