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PD-1 inhibitor

Immunotherapies in oncology: the future of cancer treatment lies in combinations and partnerships

Anne Legendre reviews the scientific rationale behind immunotherapy combinations and Frances Hendry examines how partnerships, co-marketing and positioning drugs will play key roles in shaping the competitive landscape in oncology.

Blue Latitude Health

Therapy Watch expands oncology and IBD portfolios

This month Therapy Watch expands its portfolio with the launch of several new trackers across numerous therapy areas including the launch of a new Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML) study in...

Research Partnership


Woodford investment pushes Dementia Discovery Fund to £100m

Fund aims to back 40 projects over its 15-year term


Walmsley steps up to chief executive role at GSK

The firm's first female CEO, she takes over from Sir Andrew Witty

Using service design to improve patients’ quality of life

Customer Experience Consultant Eimear Power talks through the process of developing Orello, a service for metastatic prostate cancer patients and their loved ones, in collaboration with Janssen.

Blue Latitude Health


Caring for prostate cancer patients

Although not without its challenges, the appropriate care and support available to patients with prostate cancer is gradually evolving. It’s important not to overlook the all too often ‘unsung heroes’...

Blue Latitude Health


Riding the wave of digital disruption

The challenges and rewards of meeting consumer expectations


Novartis’ Zykadia nears first-line lung cancer label

Hopes to boost slow second-line sales to compete directly with Pfizer’s Xalkori and Roche’s Alecensa 


Argos hit as kidney cancer immunotherapy fails phase III trial

Study discontinued as data shows renal cell carcinoma vaccine unlikely to meet targets

AstraZeneca AZ

AZ agrees to $320m deal for Zoladex

TerSera Therapeutics acquires rights to oncology drug in US and Canada


New guide to improve cancer control published in EU

Outlines recommendations to boost quality of life and reduce financial burden


Winning the war against cancer

Dr Josep Figueras on survival, access to treatments and the need for good data in oncology

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