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NICE rejects Roche’s Kadcyla as “unaffordable”

Cancer drug unable to justify £90,000 price tag

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE gives partial backing to Ferring’s prostate cancer drug

Firmagon on course for use on NHS in England and Wales

UK flag

Boost for UK bioscience as MedCity launches

London Mayor Boris Johnson declares ‘golden trial’ of medical research


GSK terminates lung cancer vaccine trial

Unable to identify patients who may benefit from MAGE-A3 immunotherapy


MHRA chairman steps down

Sir Gordon Duff leaves to join Oxford University

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE consults on value-based assessment changes

Aims to create a more flexible approach to drug funding decisions for NHS in England and Wales


Final NICE backing for MabThera in rare condition

Roche drug available in England and Wales to treat rare form of vasculitis


GSK’s cancer vaccine flunks another trial

MAGE-A3 fails to improve survival in lung cancer patients


EMA looks at flexible drug licensing

Regulator looks to pilot programme to stagger approvals of new medicines

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

Boehringer cancer drug on course for NHS use in UK

NICE backs Giotrif in draft guidance


Dawn of the new world

What the new NHS means for pharma and healthcare comms


McCarthy leaves NHS England

Policy director set for move to the University of Bradford

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