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When Dreams, Ambition and Talent Graduate

Last week saw the first intake into Lucid’s Futures Academy all graduate with full honours.

Lucid Group Communications Limited

‘Tis the season to be judgmental…

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la Yes, it’s that time of year again when adverts from well-known department stores make the news. Countless news articles are given over to which of this year’s creative...

Life Healthcare Communications


Lucid’s magic touch attracts top talent to head their HR department

Ambition and talent are in abundance with Lucid’s new hire, Angela Young, HR Director

Lucid Group Communications Limited


A new picture

Changing the route to brand growth

Magic of Lucid targets rare and specialist diseases

Lucid Group, the award-winning global medical communications company with offices in London, Buckinghamshire, Macclesfield and New York, has announced the launch of a new agency specialising in rare and specialist...

Lucid Group Communications Limited

The Lucid Group Futures Academy

A graduate programme designed to recruit the exceptional, so that we deliver the outstanding.

Lucid Group Communications Limited


A New Managing Director Appointed for Lighthouse Medical Communications US

Lucid Group boost their US operations with the appointment of Andy Willmer as Managing Director for Lighthouse Medical Communications

Lucid Group Communications Limited


The magic of mobile working

Lucid Communications Group Ltd. has implemented new ways of agile working across its offices to attract top talent and facilitate the company’s continued growth in the strategic medical communications industry.

Lucid Group Communications Limited


Building a creative marketing consultancy: how we’ve transitioned into a full service global team

In this Q&A, James Atherton, Vice President and Managing Consultant at our New York office, reveals how our NYC and London offices work together and why having a creative services...

Blue Latitude Health

Empathology: The science of being someone else

If you can see the world from your customer's perspective, you have discovered the secret of empathy

Life Healthcare Communications


Things get competitive at Lucid’s sports day!

While some look back on their school sports days with blissful memories of relay races and tug of war, others are haunted by images of overly competitive parents and injuries...

Lucid Group Communications Limited

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