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GSK to establish US R&D centre for vaccines

Facility will be based in Rockville, Maryland


Novartis knocks Pfizer off sales leader board

Swiss firm takes US giant’s crown as diversification programme and pipeline come to fruition

Can Cinderella save us?

UK government warns over antibiotic resistant deaths

Cabinet Office document says the next 20 years is a crucial period for creating new medicines


Nurturing innovation in a tough environment

Much has been achieved in the UK in recent years, but the NHS still has a way to go


Takeda’s once-weekly DPP-4 inhibitor cleared in first market

Zafatek’s authorisation one of a flurry of new approvals for a number of firms in Japan


Takeda spends $230m on oncology biotech deal

Buys into ImmunoGen’s antibody-drug conjugate technology


Pricing pressures preventing UK access to MenB vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline’s Bexsero will need a dramatic price cut to gain NHS entry


FDA panel backs GSK’s asthma drug Breo for adults only

Already approved to treat COPD in the US


GSK: We had a social responsibility to work on Ebola

And company says it delayed more commercialprojects to do so


GSK and Lilly invest in $100m global Dementia Discovery Fund

Fund announced at WHO conference by UK health secretary Jeremy Hunt


GSK sells another chunk of South Africa’s Aspen

Paid $418m for an 18% share in Aspen in 2009


Takeda’s Entyvio recommended by NICE for bowel disease

But must supply the drug at a discounted rate to the NHS

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