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Roche and J&J picked for ‘revolutionary’ digital health pilot

Firms will line up alongside Apple, Fitbit, Samsung and Verily in FDA pre-certification programme

Roche - Basel

Roche and J&J picked for ‘revolutionary’ digital health pilot

Firms will line up alongside Apple, Fitbit, Samsung and Verily in FDA pre-certification programme

Roche Basel Switzerland

Roche’s Actemra/RoActemra receives new European approval

EU regulators also pass the Swiss pharma firm’s Gazyvaro


AbbVie and Roche plan Venclexta combo filings in leukaemia

MURANO trial shows the duo’s treatment extends PFS


Amgen’s Mvasi is first FDA-approved cancer biosimilar

Offers prospect of lower-cost alternative to Roche's Avastin


Roche faces prospect of second Rituxan biosimilar in US

FDA begins its review of Sandoz's version of the immunotherapy treatment


Novartis scores but Roche misses in melanoma trials

Phase III trial combo success for Tafinlar/Mekinist “unprecedented”

Roche Basel Switzerland

UK is first to receive Roche’s rare lung cancer drug

Alecensa made available under MHRA's early access scheme

Roche Basel Switzerland

Roche claims its own CAR-T first with orphan drug Actemra

Comes as FDA approves the first CAR-T therapy from Novartis

Roche Basel Switzerland

Roche wins FDA priority review for haemophilia A drug

Emicizumab prophylaxis could be approved early next year


Biocon backs away from biosimilar filings in Europe

EMA asks biotech to withdraw Herceptin and Neulasta biosimilar filings

Roche Basel Switzerland

Roche out-licenses lebrikizumab rights to Dermira

Swiss drug maker stands to receive $80m upfront for the drug

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