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Pfizer launch grants programme for cardiovascular research

PCSK9 initiative is an extension of existing ASPIREprogramme


Pfizer and Merck flesh out Xalkori alliance details

First stage of building a combined oncology sales organisation


Pfizer and Pharmacy Voice launch NHS campaign

Campaign aims to reduce inappropriate use of A&E services 


Novartis knocks Pfizer off sales leader board

Swiss firm takes US giant’s crown as diversification programme and pipeline come to fruition


US cancer drug prices ‘not rational’

New research from the medical journal JAMA adds to growing pressure over pricing

Eli Lilly HQ

Pfizer and Lilly restart tanezumab pain trials

FDAlifts clinical block on late-stage studies of the novel painkiller


Making the right mobile health choices

Creative thinking is one of the requirements to ensure lasting healthcare change


Apple launches new research software programme

Tech firm made the announcement during the promotion of its new smart watch


NICE recommends BMS and Pfizer’s Eliquis for blood clots

Will be a treatment option for venous thromboembolism

FDA launches drug shortages mobile app

USregulator offers the public and HCPs Android and iPhone versions of the app

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE backs biosimilars in rheumatoid arthritis guidance

Seven biologic drugs (DMARDs) and two biosimilars recommended


Sanofi joins WHO-backed diabetes mHealth programme

Becomessole pharma partner for Be Healthy, Be Mobile's diabetes arm

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