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specialised commissioning


What can pharma learn from the charity sector?

Collaborating with the third sector could lead to better patient support


Happy 70th birthday NHS: the next 70 need to be very different

The UK’s NHS is loved by the British public, while social care is under appreciated and underfunded. The new health secretary is being urged to remedy this to create a...

Shift to preventative healthcare – Opportunities for screening, diagnostics and vaccination

Across emerging markets we are seeing a shift towards prevention in healthcare policy, as governments seek to contain spiraling treatment costs.There is a growing, if long overdue, recognition among policy-makers...

Research Partnership

SWITCHED ONcology Patient Experience Focus Group Full Discussion

On 22nd February we held our patient experience focus group, which brought together patients, doctors and industry advocates to discuss the changing landscape and challenges facing cancer care today. In...

Havas Lynx

Trending: using social media to understand your pharma market

Blue Latitude Health Senior Associate Consultant Jiayi Chen explains how you can use social media to get under the skin of customers and your competition.

Blue Latitude Health


Indefinable, incomparable and enduring: the value of creativity

Building an environment that encourages, nurtures and harnesses creativity


Diversity and inclusion in the pharma industry

Is there equality in the workplace?


Irish survey lists pharma firms’ top five Brexit concerns

Talent access restrictions topped the list


How can pharma build bridges with HCPs online?

Simon Grime, Director of Fendix, explains how pharma can reconnect with disillusioned doctors and other HCPs


European pharma pips North America in remote physician engagement, according to Indegene-TEVA survey

European pharma companies have outperformed their American peers in applying remote physician engagement to their multi-channel marketing mix, according to the 2018 Indegene-TEVA survey. Among popular users, 35% of the...

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