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UPDATE: AZ rejects improved Pfizer bid

Continues to assert independence as Pfizer appeals to Prime Minister David Cameron


Pfizer confirms interest in AstraZeneca megamerger

Says it has twice tried to engage in merger talks with big pharma rival


Soriot flies independence flag for AZ

CEO downplays rumours of merger with Pfizer


NICE rejects Roche’s Kadcyla as “unaffordable”

Cancer drug unable to justify £90,000 price tag


AZ names Brilique lead in Spain

Rodrigo Gribble is promoted to director of acute hospital care unit

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE backs two cancer drugs

Boehringer’s Giotrif and Janssen’s Velcade given final go-ahead for NHS use


Pfizer rumoured to be after AstraZeneca

Is this the return of the pharma mega-merger?

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE gives partial backing to Ferring’s prostate cancer drug

Firmagon on course for use on NHS in England and Wales

Roche - Basel

NICE reverses decision to restrict Tarceva access

Roche says “voices of clinicians and patients have been heard”

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

Final NICE ‘no’ for J&J’s Stelara in psoriatic arthritis

Committee says drug is more expensive and less effective than TNF alpha inhibitors


AZ teams up with UK’s MRC for discovery centre

Public-private facility will be based at the pharma company's Cambridge R&D site

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE logo

NICE consults on value-based assessment changes

Aims to create a more flexible approach to drug funding decisions for NHS in England and Wales

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